Our Greer Farm Stores are full of seasonal fruits and vegetables. Here, you’ll find the freshest, local, farm-fresh produce available anywhere. We have two Farm Stores as well as our farm.

At our Fishers Orchard at Dillard location on South Buncombe Road and our Historical Taylors Shed location on Locust Hill Road, we offer a full selection of top-quality, locally grown fruits and vegetables. At Fishers Orchard Pick-Your-Own Farm on Fisher Road, our main focus is on our peach farm. Here we have a large selection of fresh-picked peaches and a select assortment of produce. You can even bring the family and pick your own peaches if you want!

Jellies, honey and relish

Fishers Orchard Farm Stores in Greer offer a big selection of our own jams and jellies made from exclusive family recipes, as well as relishes, pickles and local honey.

Delicious cider

Cider from Fishers Orchard Farm Stores in Greer is a not-to-be-missed treat. Serve it cold or hot and enjoy fresh-from-the-farm taste, just like it’s been for generations.

Fresh fruits and berries

Your family will love our locally grown fruit. It is sweet, juicy and delicious. Depending on seasonal availability, you’ll find nectarines, strawberries, blueberries, blackberries, raspberries and, of course, peaches.

Crisp produce

Our produce is always fresh from the farm to our store — and then to your table. Depending on seasonal availability, you’ll find squash, zucchini, peppers, potatoes, onions, cucumbers, tomatoes and more.

Woman holding white plastic basket full of strawberries.